Created By EnviedDiva
16 manga
A series consisting of 15 shorts stories centered around the theme of obsession [Also there are a couple of titles such as Weakness & Barrel that have 0 chapters, you will need to find another site to read. I haven't read all of these yet but will come back to update if some stories aren't completed on this site but have on other sites] *Footnotes* There are various levels of toxic behavior within this collection. Some light and some heavy including rape, non consent, abuse, drug use, BDSM etc. You have been warned. If you are easily offended or triggered by such topics, DO NOT READ & KEEP YOUR WHINING TO YOURSELF. HOPEFULLY EVERYONE IS OF LEGAL AGE REQUIRED TO USE THIS SITE. HOLD YOURSELF ACCOUNTABLE FOR WHAT YOU READ AND LET OTHERS ENJOY THE DARKER TOPICS.
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