Secret Heirs of Billionaires #25
Followed by 93 people
Authors: Clare Connely
Rating: 10/10 (3 votes)
? FOREWARN? This is a 12chapters version And this will be a long one, since it's a January New Release So bear with me Peeps! Support the Author! ???? Time for granting wishes... Lovely @diana and @Kerri here you go ???? Okay, this is not turn out as I would've expected In a good way ???? Firstly, this is an HQ and this is about Royals Don't go psychoanalysing to the point of ruining it ???? Don't you dare compare it to real life (you've read so many HQs, you should know by now it's called fiction novel not for nothing) Please... just sit, relax and you will have an enjoyable reading time ???? I will not go into specific detail tho This particular piece got me on a roller coaster I thought I will be thrown into sadness but then there's come the comedic side I thought there will be some sort of other parties that will be against them but there isn't I thought FL will run away for good but then ... (need to see it for yourself) All in all the whole vibe surprises me You'll have fun reading this one ???? You've got their son all over the HQ You've got Rikako's ML You will not get OW ???? Even how the mangaka depicting the ML in a state of dazed and happiness here and there like he was in his own world thinking about FL and their son is GOLD! And the look on his staff and bodyguard seeing him on that state ???? Enjoy Peeps! ???? +
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