Soul Probation, Ling Hun Huan Xing, 靈魂緩刑;
Followed by 1,246 people
Authors: Er Tuan Shu Sheng, Yuan Dian Ge Zi Man Hua
Genres: Drama Fantasy Mystery Romance Shounen Ai
Rating: 8.15/10 (40 votes)
An idiot who doesn't understand feelings and is a talented killer x A schemer who endured hardships and is in a vegetative stateYou're in a vegetative state for 6 years. In the 7th year, your doctor started talking to you, sharing his killing tracks. Maybe it was due to the stimulation of your nerves, you miraculously woke up. You're unable to leave the bed as your muscles have shrunk, your speech system is on the brink of breaking down - how are you going to escape?
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