Shoujo Kakumei Utena 10/10 3,613 | First Girl 0/10 2,476 | Kanon 0/10 1,861 | Lady Masquerade 10/10 1,547 | Kakan no Madonna 0/10 1,393 | Ice Forest 0/10 1,388 | Magnolia Waltz 8.65/10 1,345 | Anastasia Club 0/10 1,339 | Mou Hitori no Marionette 0/10 1,247 | Waltz wa Shiroi Dress de 10/10 1,228 | Honoka ni Purple 0/10 1,192 | Torikae Baya 0/10 1,182 | Aru Hi, Knight ni Atta nara 10/10 1,179 | Anastasia Kurabu 0/10 1,132 | Basilis no Musume 0/10 1,096 | Gin no Ookami 0/10 1,048 | Shishaku Valmont: Kiken na Kankei 6/10 1,008 | S to M no Sekai 0/10 973 | Grand Amour 2/10 865 | Hoshi wo Tsumu Donna 0/10 863 | Tenshi no Tattoo 10/10 826 | Lilac Nocturne 0/10 803 | Gigolo 0/10 799 | Shoujo Kakumei Utena: Adolescence Mokushiroku 0/10 759 | Tenshi no Hohoemi, Akuma no Namida 0/10 738 | Ao Ringo Meikyuu 0/10 737 | Koibitotachi no Basho 0/10 735 | Étoile Girl 0/10 721 | Bronze no Tenshi 0/10 699 | Aldi El: Yattsu no Chi 0/10 698 | Bronze no Tenshi Gaiden 0/10 697 | Beautiful 0/10 686 | Shoujo Kakumei Utena: After the Revolution 0/10 682 | Chat Noir no Shippo 0/10 665 | Shoujo Kakumei Utena 0/10 14 | Koimonogatari 0/10 9 |
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