The first meeting between Yuri Gable and Ling Xinlu was the worst. It was supposedly to save Xinlu's life, who had pointed a gun at Ilay Riegrow, but Yuri ended up shooting Xinlu at their very first encounter. Because of this, Xinlu formed the worst possible first impression of Yuri. However, Yuri only feels pity and sympathy for Xinlu. The sharp-witted Xinlu senses that Yuri has some affection for him, but he's thrown off by Yuri's oddly calm and straightforward reactions despite that affection. Gradually, Xinlu begins to realize his own growing affection for Yuri and comes to understand that it's different from the affection he felt for Jeong Taeui. Determined to make Yuri his own, Xinlu struggles and strives toward that goal+
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