Sidooh 9/10 10,635 | Bakuon Rettou 10/10 6,794 | Sidooh: Sunrise 10/10 4,640 | Black-Box 9/10 4,559 | Zankyou 9.83/10 3,380 | Alive 0/10 2,759 | Tetsuwan Girl 10/10 1,767 | Blue Heaven 9/10 1,767 | Hito Hitori Futari 10/10 1,766 | Jiraishin 10/10 1,722 | NeuN 5/10 1,666 | Skyhigh: Shinshou 0/10 1,552 | Skyhigh 6/10 1,472 | Skyhigh: Karma 0/10 1,283 | Guitar Shop Rosie 0/10 1,204 | Jiraishin Diablo 0/10 1,056 | Hanshin Tigers Sousetsu 80-shuunen Kinen Zoukangou 0/10 1,006 | Skyhigh: Heven 0/10 1,005 | Tenmasou no Sanshimai - Sky High 0/10 957 | Skyhigh 4 10/10 950 | Dead Flowers 10/10 911 | Namida no Tantanmen 0/10 882 | Yorishiroshi 0/10 811 | Idenshi Level Tsurugi 0/10 792 | Muyung 0/10 791 |
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