高宮さんにはヒミツがある ; Takamiya-san ni wa Himitsu ga aru
Followed by 1,621 people
Authors: Akami Nihisa
Rating: 8.46/10 (103 votes)
Noboru Hirata, a white-collar salesman, spends his days working under the eye of Misaki Takamiya, the president's secretary who’s admired from afar by co-workers both male and female. One day, Noboru's co-worker plays a prank on him and downloads a gay hookup app onto his phone. Out of curiosity, he decides to give the app a shot, and to his great surprise, finds a profile with photos that eerily match those of his internet crush, “Misaki.” With surprise and anticipation, Noboru starts to wonder… What if his beloved “Misaki” is a man? Noboru matched with Misaki. The conversation was lively and the distance between the two grew closer, and they finally decided to meet at a hotel. However it turns out the person who came to the hotel is, Misaki Takamiya, his workplace's Madonna!?
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