Killer and part-time worker, Koroshiya to Freeter, 殺し屋とフリーター
Followed by 1,875 people
Authors: AKI Jitaku
Artists: AKI Jitaku
Genres: Comedy Slice of Life Romance Yaoi
Rating: 7.96/10 (76 votes)
Tamatsu Tsuzuri is a worn-out part-timer who has a history of getting mixed up with the yakuza. As he was walking home, exhausted after a tiresome day on top of that he was even robbed! He found even an injured man in the dark alleyway. Even though that man looked dangerous, Tsuzuri still brought him home and treated his wounds. In order to repay his kindness, the injured man named Cinq, a former assassin who is now being hunted by his ex group, decides to be Tsuzuri's bodyguard and stay with him.
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