この醜くも美しい世界, KonoMini
Followed by 4 people
Authors: --
Artists: Morimi, Ashita
Genres: Drama Seinen Mystery Romance Ecchi School life Sci-fi
Rating: 0/10 (0 votes)
Takemoto Takeru, an ordinary high school student, encounters a strange light during a bike delivery for his part time job. When he stops and searches the surroundings, he notices a cute girl named Hikari climbing out of a sparkling cocoon in the forest. Takeru instantly falls for her at first sight, but was interrupted when suddenly a monster appears at the same spot and attacks the girl. This is the beginning of adventurous and exciting days for Takeru, the mysterious girls, Hikari and Akari, his childhood friend Nishino, Mari, and his classmates.
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