Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE 9.74/10 77,863 | Cardcaptor Sakura - Clear Card Arc 7.57/10 19,575 | xxxHOLiC 9.32/10 11,573 | K-Dash 6/10 9,607 | Cardcaptor Sakura 8.34/10 8,566 | X 6/10 8,558 | xxxHOLiC: Rei 8.86/10 7,663 | Chobits 5.75/10 5,722 | Tsubasa: WoRLD CHRoNiCLE - Niraikanai-hen 10/10 3,652 | Wish 8.4/10 3,527 | Kobato. 6/10 3,276 | Gohou Drug 3/10 3,123 | RG Veda 7.33/10 2,553 | Angelic Layer 7.33/10 2,505 | Tokyo Babylon 7.33/10 2,287 | Blood-C 0/10 2,077 | Akagi: Zawa... Zawa... Anthology 10/10 2,017 | Drug & Drop 0/10 1,884 | Gate 7 6/10 1,847 | Shiritsu Horitsuba Gakuen 10/10 1,419 | Clamp no Kiseki 0/10 1,331 | Magic Knight Rayearth 7.33/10 1,294 | Shin Shunkaden 0/10 1,251 | Clover 6/10 1,222 | Clamp in Wonderland EX 0/10 1,184 | Gakuen Tokukei Duklyon 8.67/10 1,136 | Shirahimeshou 6.5/10 1,092 | Souryuuden Gengashuu 0/10 1,091 | Rex: Kyouryuu Monogatari 0/10 1,076 | Derayd 0/10 1,069 | Suki. Dakara Suki 2/10 1,062 | Clamp Gakuen Tanteidan 0/10 1,056 | Sweet Valerian 10/10 1,032 | Murikuri 0/10 1,020 | Hidari Te 10/10 999 | 20 Mensou ni Onegai!! 0/10 994 | Magic Knight Rayearth 2 0/10 950 | Uma Musume Pretty Derby Anthology Comic Star 0/10 946 | Hagun Seisenki 0/10 926 | Mokona Oujo no Ehon 0/10 921 | Fushigi no Kuni no Miyuki-chan 0/10 919 | Zutto Issho ni 0/10 910 | Cardcaptor Sakura Extras 0/10 893 | High & Low: G-Sword 0/10 891 | Haken Anime! 0/10 873 | Blood-C: The Last Dark 0/10 855 | xxxHOLiC: AnotherHOLiC 0/10 823 | xxxHOLiC Tokubetsu-hen 0/10 823 | Shoten 0/10 818 | Derayd - Kaikyoutenbin No Tsuki 0/10 818 | Cluster 0/10 802 | CLAMP Gakuen Kaikigenshou Kenkyuukai Jiken File 0/10 799 | Magic Knight Rayearth Gaiden 0/10 754 | X/1999 10/10 724 | Shining Star 0/10 397 | xxxHOLiC 0/10 135 | Watashi no Suki na Hito 4/10 52 | Tsubasa: WoRLD CHRoNiCLE - Niraikanai-hen Shucchouban 0/10 51 |
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