Hosaka-sensei no Ai no Muchi 9.65/10 12,677 | Aishite Kudasai, Sensei 3.87/10 10,489 | Bokura no Koi wa Shi ni Itaru Yamai no You de 5.59/10 10,003 | Dame Ijiwaru H 10/10 3,116 | Ani ga Imouto de Imouto ga Ani de. 10/10 2,349 | Honnou: Motto Midaretai 8/10 2,099 | Houkago, Seifuku wo Nuide 6/10 1,954 | Zenbu Choudai 10/10 1,948 | Love & Beast 0/10 1,832 | Megane ~ Hazushitemo Ii desu ka? 2/10 1,683 | Kiken Junai D.N.A. 0/10 1,531 | Kindan Kon 8/10 1,441 | Yajuu, Futari. 6/10 1,384 | Idol-sama no Yoru no Okao 6/10 1,283 | Akutou Danshi Collection 6/10 1,227 | Bishounen no Oheya 10/10 1,119 | Senpai Amasugiru H 6/10 1,100 | Shounen wa Amaku Aisu 8/10 1,038 | Monmon Mononoke 10/10 1,034 | Gokujou Danshi to Kurashitemasu. 0/10 985 | Nanoni, Boku wa Iya to Ienai 0/10 983 | Idol♥Kiss 10/10 982 | 0 kara Hajimeru Manga Kyoushitsu 0/10 979 | Mayonaka wa Dame yo 6/10 961 | Mitsuaku Harem 10/10 930 | Saikyou Kareshi 8/10 895 | Yuuwakusha: Kedamono Triangle 0/10 821 | Kemono Renairon 10/10 814 | Okosama Pa–nchi! 0/10 802 | Koi Gokoro Gekokujou 8/10 780 |
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