8.07/10 42,233
Chapter 33 : Ch 33 : The Carefree Alpha And The Diligent Omega Ch 3
月光坂の花屋敷 春; 月光坂の花屋敷 秋;
Followed by 67 people
Authors: Kinoshita, Keiko
Genres: Slice of Life Yaoi
Rating: 8.5/10 (8 votes)
Volume 1 (Spring): Kashiwagi Yukiya lives with his son Yuuto in the home he inherited from his grandparents, a mansion surrounded by flowering trees. Takanashi lives there too, a holdover from the mansion's days as a rooming house for students. Long since graduated, he stays on because it's convenient to where he works. And because he's in love with Yukiya-san, whose secrets he's determined to get to the bottom of.Volume 2 (Autumn): Their three lives still intricately intertwined, Takanashi is stunned by a revelation from Yuuto, and gains a clearer understanding of Yukiya-san's past. But as Yukiya-san grows more distant, nothing is clear about the future.
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8.07/10 42,233
Chapter 33 : Ch 33 : The Carefree Alpha And The Diligent Omega Ch 3
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