BoyFriend 8/10 7,426 | Gakuen Heaven 10/10 4,905 | Gakuen Heaven: Nakajima-hen 8/10 3,346 | Gakuen Heaven: Revolution 6/10 2,841 | Crown 4/10 2,717 | Cantarella 7/10 2,460 | Gorgeous Carat 6/10 2,412 | Seimaden 0/10 2,356 | Gorgeous Carat: La Esperanza – Kibou no Seibo 2/10 2,143 | Kishin 0/10 1,604 | Ludwig II 6/10 1,551 | Gakuen Heaven: Endou-hen - Calling You 10/10 1,512 | Night Head Genesis 10/10 1,502 | My Little Lover 0/10 1,399 | L'alleluja des Anges 0/10 1,394 | Gakuen Heaven: Double Scramble - Kasahara-hen 4/10 1,353 | Zeus 2/10 1,307 | Babylonia no Shishi 0/10 1,234 | Cutlass 6/10 1,123 | Gakuen Heaven: Shichijou-hen - Sweet Sweet Darling! 10/10 1,050 | Lost Angel 0/10 1,029 | Taishou Mugen Kitan 0/10 987 | Doll to Master 5/10 922 | Tenshi no Hitsugi: Ave Maria 0/10 846 | Ramen Ikaga!? 2/10 811 | Sherlock Holmes: Gishi no Oyayubi 10/10 789 | Kouma Densetsu Ochita Tenshi 0/10 782 | Gorgeous Carat Galaxy 0/10 756 | Luna 0/10 756 | Seimaden dj - Kinku 0/10 748 | Cutlass - The Times of Boys 0/10 739 | Azel Seimaden - Enmaten no Senshi 0/10 716 | Shinkyoku 0/10 712 | Kamen no Romanesque 0/10 692 | Ubawareta Himegimi to Shinku no Monshou 0/10 683 | Sento no Hishin 0/10 670 | Kouma Densetsu Renma 0/10 661 | Azel Seimaden - Tenken no Wana 0/10 657 | Hakushaku wa Seiotome ni Kiss wo Suru 0/10 648 | Azel Seimaden - Yami no Kakan 0/10 641 | Hard Black Drug 0/10 626 | Boyfriend 0/10 11 |
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